BoB Challenge | Book to Movie Challenge

Hello book nerds!

Today is day one of the Bout of Books 17 readathon and I'm super pumped! I decided to take part in a challenge today hosted by Writing My Own Fairytale. The challenge is as follows:
It’s super easy. Share with us your favorite book-to-movie adaptation and your least favorite book-to-movie adaptation. You can give reasons for your answers or just names, it’s really up to you how much you share. 
I think this challenge is awesome especially since I just found my first book to movie adaptation ever this past month!

My favorite book to movie adaptation =
This is absolutely my all time favorite book to movie adaptation ever! This is also my all time favorite contemporary romance AND in my top 6 books of the year. I just cannot put into words how amazing this was. The book had me in tears, the movie had me in more tears. They both were excellent and the movie was EXACTLY like the book. Just pure perfection! It's a must read and see.

My absolute least favorite/most hated adaptation ever =
What do I say about this -- the book wasn't so awesome for me and the movie wasn't that great either. I just had no connections or feels for this book or even the movie at all. Not the best for me.

What are your thoughts on these book to movie adaptations? What's your favorite and/or worse book to move adaption?